Upon close inspection, it's easy to see that skincare routines are primarily concerned with protecting us from the damage Mother Nature can cause to our skin. Whether it's using sunscreen to protect us from the sun's UV rays or applying body lotion for very dry skin to combat the effects of winter weather, skincare routines do a great job of protecting us from the elements.
But what happens when you have to stay home for extended periods? When you barely leave the house, some changes must be made to your skincare routine. But it's one thing to acknowledge the need for change, and another to make the right tweaks to your routine. Here are a few changes you may need to make to your skincare routine:
The importance of proper hand hygiene has come into sharp focus and is likely to be a crucial part of everyday life for years to come. But frequent hand washing, especially with an alcohol-based hand sanitiser, can disrupt the outer skin layer, which can lead to dryness and irritation. Thankfully, the solution is quite simple. Apply a high-quality moisturiser while your hands are damp. The lotion will hold in the moisture and prevent it from evaporating, giving your skin a much-needed moisture boost.
Just because you're going to spend most of your time indoors, that doesn't mean there's no need to use sunscreen. It's essential to wear sunscreen even when you're at home, as UVA rays can penetrate windows and wreak havoc on your skin. In addition to moisturising, be sure to apply sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher.
When you're spending most of your time indoors, it's safe to assume you're in front of a screen most of the time. Whether you're attending a virtual meeting or unwinding by watching a series, staring at a screen for too long exposes your skin to high energy visible (HEV) light, which is known to age your skin prematurely. If possible, try not to look at your phone unless it's necessary, and avoid working well into the night.
By now, most people know that stress can trigger inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema, which is why a number of people experience skin problems during distressing times. This is why practicing self-care is just as vital as using a moisturising body lotion. If you're spending more time at home, it's best to seize the opportunity to slow your life down wherever you can. Practicing mindfulness, controlling your breathing, and exercising are just three ways to calm the mind.
Although skincare is seen as the first step in putting your best foot forward when you're heading out, it's still important to take care of your skin even when you're going to spend most of your time at home. Whether outdoors or indoors, we can all agree that your skin needs the best care possible.